Join Telegram Group

Berlin Tamil Sangam e.V.

We Berlin Tamil Sangam e.V (BTS) would like to greet, meet and connect more with Tamil people in Berlin and other cities in Germany. As a proud Tamil group, we want Tamilians in Berlin to feel at home away from home. Hence, it is vital that we all stay in touch, engage and participate in various cultural events, sports activities, networking events etc. throughout the year.

We are committed to protect the confidentiality of the personal information you provide and protect it from unauthorised access. That’s why we use the utmost care and state-of-the-art security standards to ensure maximum protection of your personal information. We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that the rules on data protection are observed by us. If you have a question or concern about privacy or data protection, you can get in touch with us.

You will receive your Telegram Group link via the registered Email and it will also be shown once the registration is complete.

More information about privacy or data protection policy:

    Consent Information

    I accept to follow the guidelines set by admins of Tamil People in Berlin group on Telegram. This includes but not only limited to not spamming the group, not posting obscene content, avoiding foul language, and respecting everyone in the group . I also agree to follow the below guidelines.

    The group is for people in Berlin and their queries, these guidelines avoid cluttering of messages. If categories of other messages are sent, they overshadow the important queries and questions posted by members. So I will not send messages which don’t fall under the following categories.

    These guidelines are based on the constant feedback received from various members of this group.

    1. All messages in the group should only concern to the people in Berlin and Germany. For instance apartment availability, school admission enquiries, german tax system, job offers, shopping deals, events and other related information.

    2. We request everyone to keep the messages neutral. We welcome Introductions and feedbacks.

    3. Only achievements of the group members can be posted.

    4. Audio messages for guidelines 1 & 3 are accepted.

    Please refrain from using the following in the group

    5. No forward messages of any kind except 1&3

    6. No greetings, personal or private messages (Birthday wishes, good morning etc)

    7. No political discussions in the group.

    8. For any ad related messages or posts, I will contact to discuss with the admin team before posting . (Any AD related posts without prior information will be deleted and will lead to expulsion from the group if posted repeatedly.)

    If I fail to adhere to the above guidelines, I give my consent to the admins to remove me from the group.